“Green” Do-It-Yourself Projects

Posted: By: christin | In: Blog

Making your house more environmentally friendly can help save money, save the environment, and save your health at the same time. Here are some popular “green” projects that you can do yourself:


More than 90 percent of the energy produced by incandescent lights is heat, not light, so replace fixtures with more efficient bulbs. Compact fluorescent bulbs fit into an incandescent socket and operate on a quarter of the energy used by incandescents, lasting 10 times longer.


When replacing your toilet, conserve water by purchasing a low-flow toilet, which can save around 4 gallons/15 litres of water per flush. And while you’re at it, add an aerator to your faucets. Inexpensive low-flow aerators are easy to install and can cut water use by half or more.


Many paints contain chemicals called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other toxic components which evaporate and can hurt your indoor air quality and aggravate asthma and allergies. Many major paint manufacturers offer low- or no-VOC paints to help you avoid those potential health hazards.


Bamboo is an environmentally friendly substitute for hardwood that provides much of the hardness and convenience of traditional wood flooring at about the same price. Look for a formaldehyde-free pre-finish and low formaldehyde-adhesive emissions. For carpets choose wool—it’s renewable, biodegradable, and often more durable than synthetics.

In addition, take a close look at your appliances. If your washing machine is more than 10 years old, you can save up to $100 a year by switching to a new, efficient model.

Given the continuing popularity of “green” homes, these improvements may increase your home’s appeal when it comes time to sell.

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